
Aerospace (5)
Automotive (7)
Building Materials (6)
Cosmetics & Personal Care (1)
Homeware (1)
Packaging (1)
Paints & Coatings (8)
Automotive & Aerospace (3)
Home & Interior (1)
Industrial & Scientific (1)
Industrial Design (9)
Interior Design + Architecture (8)
Kitchen + Bathrooms (1)
Paint & Coatings (8)
Pages (10)
Colour Communication (2)
Colour Inspiration & Design (4)
Colour Matching (1)
Colour Standards (6)
Product Colour Development (2)

10 results

Helping you choose the right product:

  • RAL produce three distinct ranges of colours – Classic, Design and Effect as well as Digital tools and books on trends and colour theory
  • The 216 RAL Classic colours are most often used in Industrial Design and by paint manufacturers, powder coated metal producers and referenced by Architects and Building Contractors
  • The RAL Design system contains 1825 colours which are perfect for architecture, interior and decorative colour design
  • RAL Effect provides metallic colours and coordinating non-metallics
  • RAL books cover colour psychology and design of important spaces, these are suitable for advertising, design and teaching as well as interior design
  • If you need to identify the closest RAL colour to an existing sample or want to work with RAL colour data then the RAL Digital combination of RAL Color Reader and corresponding App are made just for you!

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