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Have a quick question? Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions to see if your issue has been addressed already.
We have answered many of the common questions we receive about VeriVide products and services as well as those about Pantone, RAL and NCS.
If your question is not listed please contact us on

How do I scan colours with the Colourpin?

To scan colours with the NCS Colourpin device, first make sure it is switched on and calibrated. Then open the Colour Reader app on your smart device.

To scan a colour, whether it be paint, fabric or any other material, simply place the NCS Colourpin device flat against a clean surface or colour sample and trigger the scan from your smart device.

A reading of the closest NCS notation will appear on your smart device screen.

How do I calibrate my device?

How do I calibrate Colourpin device?

Calibration will be prompted at every device/app connection. If the app does not automatically prompt calibration, manually initiate this action by going to “Manage Device” in the Menu bar.

When a Colourpin device is connected to the app, you can also access the calibration by clicking on the battery icon on the top left corner.

Once completed, remove the end cap, screw it onto the back of your device, and proceed to scan.

Keep the calibration cap attached to the device when not in use to protect the lens.  It is important to keep the calibration cap as clean as possible to ensure accuracy when scanning colours.

Why do I need to calibrate my device at each use?

Calibrate your device frequently – ideally prior to each usage to ensure the highest degree of accuracy with your colour match results.

How important is it for me to keep the calibration cap clean and well protected?

The calibration cap of your Colourpin II device must be treated with extra care. If the calibration cap gets dirty or compromised, it will affect the accuracy of the scan results.

Replacement calibration caps are available for the Colourpin II, to order please contact

Colourpin Pro and Color Scan devices have a built in calibration tile, if these are damaged the device will need to be replaced.

Can I use Colourpin with my PC instead of my phone?

Colourpin devices cannot be used with the NCS App on PC, there is no method of pairing on pc.

The Colourpin can only be used together with a smartphone or a tablet in iOS or android systems.

How do I find RGB codes for NCS colours?

Find RGB codes using your Colourpin device with the NCS+ app

First turn on “Show Scan Details” in “Settings”. Scan a colour in the app, you will find the RGB values under each scanned colour on top. Simply press on the scanned colour and you can see the RGB Value.

How do I compare colours?

To compare colours using Colourpin.

In the view “Compare” in the menu at the bottom of the screen, you can see how big the colour difference is between two surfaces.

  • Put your Colourpin to the first sample and press “Scan Standard”
  • Put your Colourpin to the second sample and press “Scan Sample”
  • On the top of the screen you will see the Delta-E value that describes how big the colours difference is.
  • Delta-Lab describes in which ways the colours differentiate. You can find more comparison values in LCH,RGB, HSB and CMYK when you scroll to the left.
  • If you want to see your comparison history, press the history symbol in the top right corner.

How should I store my Colourpin?

Store Colourpin in a dry environment at room temperature to ensure best results. Extreme cold or heat can affect the measurement accuracy.

My Colourpin is measuring wrong. What do I do?

If you believe your NCS Colourpin is measuring wrong or you have a problem with inconsistent results, firstly check that your calibration cap is clean. A dirty calibration cap can affect the results of the measurements, as your Colourpin will be calibrated incorrectly. In this case, try to use a clean microfiber cloth and gently remove the dust and stains on the lid.

A new calibration cap can be purchased, if necessary, please contact

We recommend you complete a measuring trial. If you have access to official NCS samples, try to measure 5 random colours and analyse the results. Measure different Hues and include both light and dark colours. If this results in a number of mismatches there may be an internal problem. Please contact the retailer who sold the Colourpin to state your claim, they will help with reclaim process with NCS Colour.


I can’t connect Colourpin to my phone

To Connect Colourpin to your phone try the following steps:

1. Make sure the battery is fully charged by plugging into an electrical outlet for 1 hour.
2. Make sure the newest version of the app for your device is downloaded and installed. You can also try to delete the app and download it again. Your account is saved even if the app is deleted.
3. Restart the phone or tablet and reset the Colourpin (Colourpin resets after holding power button for 15 seconds).
4. On your smart phone, turn Bluetooth off for 5 seconds and then back on.
5. Turn the Colourpin device back ON.
6. Launch the Colourpin app and select “Connect Device” to pair the device with your smartphone or tablet.

Note: When using the Android app make sure that “location services” are turned on to prevent connection issues. When using iOS, make sure that you have the latest iOS update.

When should I service?

Service your VeriVide equipment at least once every 12 months. This recommendation ensures it maintains an ‘as new’ condition. The 12 month service interval also confirms continuation of the parts warranty.

To conform to many international, national and retailer standards, VeriVide equipment must be serviced before the annual standard audit. Please contact us at least one month prior to audit date.

Additionally, should the fluorescent lamps reach 2000 hours use of within 12 months, they must be replaced to prevent deterioration in the light quality. Clean and repaint the grey painted interior when contaminated or dirty. Some customers combine this with an interim service.


What is included in a service?

When your VeriVide CAC, CCC or CAC-LED equipment is serviced by a VeriVide Sales & Service Technician the following is included in the service visit:

  • Peace of mind
  • Full lamp replacement
  • Full clean
  • Re-paint of interior surface to specification
  • 12 Months parts warranty *
  • Remote operational support
  • Removal and disposal of old lamps (WEEE compliant)
  • Usage data collection and Service Counter reset
  • Certificate of service
  • Exclusive instructional materials
  • Lamp Measurement and Certificate of Performance**

*Parts warranty is unavailable for pre-2004 cabinets. Excludes travel and labour costs
**Lamp Measurement is available at an additional cost. It uses spectrometric readings to ensure lamps adhere to tight tolerances

For more information please contact