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Have a quick question? Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions to see if your issue has been addressed already.
We have answered many of the common questions we receive about VeriVide products and services as well as those about Pantone, RAL and NCS.
If your question is not listed please contact us on

Do you sell NCS paint?

NCS paint is not sold by VeriVide. We can supply a colour standard to take to your supplier, they will measure and mix the colour from available pigments.

NCS do not manufacture paint or powder coat. Paint manufacturers are licenced to use NCS colours in their paints and coating formulas, likewise manufacturers of laminates and other materials can use the colours.

NCS is a colour system, they  standardise the colours so you can buy the colour card from VeriVide (or other worldwide distributor) and then go to a DIY store or specialised paint supplier to buy the paint. They may have a paint mixing machine on site and can measure the colour card and mix paint to the correct colour to match the card.

For a comprehensive list of approved manufacturers go to the website of NCS Colour


Do you sell RAL paint or Powder coat?

VeriVide do not sell RAL paint or Powder coat. We can supply a colour standard to take to your supplier, to measure and mix the colour.

RAL paint or powder coat is not manufactured by RAL. Paint manufacturers are licenced to use RAL colours in their paints and coating formulas. Likewise manufacturers of resins, varnishes and plastics also can apply for a RAL licence.

Paint companies holding a licence for RAL colours include PPG, Mylands, Sherwin-Williams and Akzo Nobel.

RAL standardise the colours so you can buy the colour card from VeriVide, RAL or other worldwide distributor) and then go to a DIY store or specialised paint supplier to buy the paint. They may have a paint mixing machine on site and can measure the colour card and mix paint to the correct colour to match the card. Likewise a manufacturer of Powder coat formulas should be able to mix the colour required to match a RAL chart.

Is RAL certification of colour standards available?

RAL certification is not available for the smaller RAL fans but certified standards are provided in the HR and GL Registers.

The RAL colour fan decks (RAL Classic, RAL Design and RAL Effect) are not provided with certification but on the inside cover is a hologram which proves that it is a genuine RAL product. These should be used for colour selection and inspiration but are not the official colour standards.

Require official RAL standards? Purchase the registers RAL 840-HR (matte) and RAL 841-GL (glossy) for the full set of Classic colours. Individual standard cards can also be purchased for RAL Classic colours. In the Effect range RAL E1 box contains the Effect colour standards. These Primary standard cards are binding colour standards for colour matching and quality control. They contain reflectance curves and XYZ values.

For RAL Design the set of A4 Design sheets provides colour standards in most RAL Design colours.

P1 and P2 plastic plaques are also official colour standards.

To purchase individual HR, GL or E1 standards contact Georgina on

How many RAL colours are there?

Many colours exist for industrial design, architecture and interior design within three separate RAL ranges. The RAL colour standard system contains a total of 2531 colours. 1825 colours found in the Design range used predominantly for interiors. 216 colours in the Classic range originally specified for industrial paints, often used in transport and construction. Finally  specialist effects are served by 490 colours in the Effect range

Used to specify the colour of paints, varnishes, epoxy resins, plastics and powder coated metals, Architects and Interior designers use them for construction projects. Industrial designers specify RAL for aerospace, automotive and marine exteriors and interiors.


Can I convert RAL colour into another RAL?

No, it is not possible to convert a RAL colour into a RAL colour from a different range.

The three different product lines RAL Classic, RAL Effect and RAL Design are completely separate ranges and independent from each other. The ranges were formulated for different purposes. RAL Design codes are nine digit numbers which relate to LCH colour space, 1825 colours for interiors and architecture. Whereas the RAL Classic range only has 216 colours for exterior paint and metal power coat.

To find the closest RAL colour use a RAL Color Reader to measure your colour target.


What is the difference between RAL Classic and RAL Design?

The difference between RAL Classic and RAL Design ranges is in the type of the colours and also the amount of  colours.

RAL Classic is a collection of 216 industrial colours developed to meet industry requirements. Typically the colour of bridges or buildings and equipment for industrial applications as well as aeroplanes and trains are specified in Classic colours. The RAL Classic colours are often used to specify paint and powder coated items as well as resins e.g. window frames and garage doors. In order to be in this collection the colour must be of non-business specific interest and not be subject to fashion trends.

Did you know that the golden yellow of the German flag is RAL 1021 and that ICE trains are RAL 7035?

RAL Design is a colour system containing 1825 colours following the internationally recognised CIELab system. RAL Design colour codes have seven digits whereas RAL Classic colour codes only have four digits. The Design colour range contains more subtle colours than the Classic range, developed for architects and interior designers. It is intended to provide a comprehensive range of colours for interior and decorative design. The RAL Design system colours are also used in the RAL colour books which are used for reference, education and inspiration. RAL colour books are available for interior design of hotels and healthcare settings such as hospitals and clinics as well as domestic homes.

What is the RAL Effect collection?

RAL Effect is an innovative collection for industrial and product design containing metallised effect colours. The 420 solid colours in the range are complemented by 70 metallic colours which harmonise with the solid colours. The solid colours are all created from water based paints whereas the metallics are acrylic. Ideal for creation of co ordinating metallic effects.

To view the complete RAL Effect range purchase E3 fan deck or the E1 box of colour standards, alternatively E4 contains the metallics only.

Where can I find historical RAL colours?

We are sorry but VeriVide cannot supply historical RAL colours which are not found in the current collections.

For information on historical RAL colours please call RAL directly on +49 (0) 1805 748066

Why is RAL different prices?

RAL make products in a range of prices which are suitable for different end uses.

The cheaper RAL fan decks are produced by printing in four colour digital printing, these are not official colour standards.  Suitable for client colour selection and for constructors to use when out and about RAL fan decks are colour guides.

Printing is a lower cost production method than the coated process which produces the higher priced fan decks and the individual standard cards. The coated process produces a higher accuracy of colour reproduction from one product to another and these products are colour standards for quality control.

The RAL colour standards are supplied with the relevant XYZ colour space data and reflectance curve.

Still have a question about RAL products? Please email Georgina at and she will consult the RAL experts on your behalf.

What is the lifetime of an NCS colour sample?

The lifetime of an NCS colour depends on the conditions under which it is stored. As with all colour standards they should be stored away from light, dust, moisture and heat. Most NCS products are supplied with a protective box or binder, we recommend NCS samples are stored in a box, under normal indoor conditions.

NCS colour samples are produced using a paint coating on paper and supplied with a 12 month guarantee.

Properties of the product such as film thickness, gloss level and opacity of the paint are controlled. The quality controls are executed at several instances during the production process. This ensures a high and solid quality from batch to batch.

The technical lifetime  of coated NCS samples can be several years depending on the environment in which they are used but NCS recommends exchanging the samples every 24 month for maximum accuracy and performance.

Colourpin or Colour Scan, which should I choose?

Colourpin and Colour Scan are both NCS colorimeters for measuring and identifying colours. Your choice of Colourpin or Colour Scan mainly depends upon if you need to identify colours from patterned materials.

We have briefly described the pros and cons below.

Reliable results on solid colours
Is used with a smartphone app that has colour management and sharing features.
Can’t be used as a stand-alone device.
Affordable price
Ideal for decorators

Colour Scan:
Reliable results on solid colours and also on patterns
Can identify up to 4 colours within size of the aperture for scanning
Is a stand-alone device, where no smartphone or application is needed
Robust design
Ideal for professional interior designers

How can I translate a colour from one system to another?

If you wish to translate a colour from one system to another, you can use the NCS colour translation service. They translate to and from most colour systems/ charts including:

NCS, Pantone Coated/Uncoated/Textile/Colour bridge etc. RAL and CMYK coated/uncoated

You can find more information about this service here.

Architects and Designers will find it useful to own physical guides from RAL, Pantone and NCS if they are regularly using colours from the different colour systems. This will enable a cross check to be done on site or with the client.

The NCS Colourpin devices can also be used to measure a colour target and find the closest NCS colour.

Please note that if you need to translate your colour from NCS to CMYK, RGB or Lab notation, you can also use the NCS+ Web or use the NCS Colourpin device.